Terms & Conditions

The term ‘Inner Sage Hypnotherapy’ or ‘we’ or ‘us’ or ‘our’ refers to the owner of the of the practice which offers Hypnotherapy services who works solely online from England. The term ‘you’ or ‘your’ or ‘the client’ or ‘client(s)’ refers to the user of Inner Sage Hypnotherapy services.

1. Commitment, standards of behaviour and code of conduct

1.1. All potential clients will undertake an initial consultation and will be required to sign a consent form prior to trance taking place.

1.2. Sessions will only take place if Inner Sage Hypnotherapy deems the therapy safe for the client to receive and that the client has actively chosen to receive hypnotherapy.

1.3. Hypnotherapy relies on the commitment and motivation from both the therapist and client to gain the best results. Part of the therapy occurs in the therapy room/ online session, and part involves through reflection and tasks at home, including listening to the hypnotherapy track at appropriate times. It is with commitment and partnership that you will see the best results. Please note results may vary from person to person.

1.4. Unless prior agreement is made, Inner Sage Hypnotherapy will not make any contact outside of sessions (unless for rescheduling or cancellation).

1.5. Throughout your therapy Inner Sage Hypnotherapy will commit to acting in your best interests, to treat you with respect; including respecting your privacy and confidentiality at all times.

1.6. You agree to attend sessions on time, and not under the influence of alcohol or recreational drugs, except those prescribed by your General Practitioner or any medical professional you are under the care of. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy reserve the right to terminate sessions if you show any inappropriate behaviour and refuse any further sessions.

1.7. For online sessions you agree that sessions are not to be recorded. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy will not be recording any of our sessions UNLESS there is prior consent and this has been mutually discussed and agreed and a consent form has been signed by you. 

1.8. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy is based in the UK, under English and Welsh law, and governed by UK jurisdiction. If the connection is lost whilst undertaking an online session and you do not hear any communication within 30 seconds you will be in control. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy will do their best to contact you using the contact details provided (email or telephone).

1.9. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy is registered with the Association for Solution Focused Hypnotherapy (AfSFH) and National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) and abides by their code of ethics. Please see www.afsfh.com and www.hypnotherapists.org.uk for further details.

2. Hypnotherapy sessions and fees

2.1. Each hypnotherapy session will last between 50 and 60 minutes (unless it is for smoking in which sessions will last between 1 hr 30 minutes and 2 hours.

2.2 Hypnotherapy sessions will be delivered online via zoom or in person at ‘The Wellbeing Centre, 69 Bradford Road, Cleckheaton, BD19 3PT’

2.3. If you are running late or anticipate running late for your session, please leave a message (calls will not be answered when working with a client) or send a text to 07703331550. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate lost time, this is not always possible and therefore please understand that the session may have to finish at the scheduled finish time due to scheduling commitments to other clients.

2.4. A committed client is more likely to achieve their realistic goals. Full client commitment is important. We do not guarantee 'cures' as it would not be ethical to make this claim. We do not guarantee successful outcomes or cures as this would be unethical to make this claim.

2.5. A guide to therapy duration and the number of sessions required will be provided at the initial consultation however this will be regularly reviewed during your therapy and any changes to this will be discussed with you. The number of sessions is estimated based on those provided to previous clients, however as all clients and conditions are unique these estimates are subject to change.

 2.6. In the event of a price increase, if you are partway through treatment current prices will be honoured for as long as therapeutic relationship continues.

2.7. Session fees must be paid upon booking and in advance of the individual session or in full if purchasing a session package (unless payment plan is agreed), otherwise Inner Sage Hypnotherapy has the right to cancel the session or session package. Once payment has been received you will be sent an email containing the appointment details and zoom link if sessions are online.

2.8. Payment can be made online via bank transfer using your first initial and surname as transaction reference or by card through stripe. Bank details: Account No. 93124725 Sort Code. 60-83-71

2.9. Invoices are issued on request and will be sent via email. Invoices will also be sent to clients who cancel sessions outside of the notice period (Please see point 3.1). Invoices must be paid within 7 days of the issue date.

2.10. Late payment of invoices will have fixed administration fee of £10 for each subsequent communication from us regarding the unpaid invoice after 14 days since issue has passed. Subsequent communications and fee’s for late payment will be issued on day 15 and day 28 from the original invoice.

2.11. In the event an invoice is unpaid for 28 days then we shall be entitled to instruct a collection or legal agent to seek recovery of the unpaid invoice and further accrued costs.

3. Cancellation Policy

3.1. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy cancellation and rescheduling policy requires that at least 24 hours’ notice is given by you, or the full session fee will be charged. An invoice will be issued to you via email. All invoices must be paid within 7 days.

3.2. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy reserve the right to cancel an appointment without notice if the room or environment is unsuitable for the treatment to be provided.

3.3. If an emergency requires Inner Sage Hypnotherapy to cancel your appointment, as much notice as possible will be given to you. If this notice is less than 24 hours any advance payment made will be refundable and a full refund will be issued to you.

3.4. Should Inner Sage Hypnotherapy need to cancel any appointment they will commit to scheduling a new appointment at the earliest convenience of the therapist and the client. Advance payments will be allocated to the newly scheduled appointment.

3.5. If Inner Sage Hypnotherapy need to contact you, they will do this via your preferred method as indicated on your initial consultation form. If a message is to be left, no mention of hypnotherapy will be made.

4. Privacy and Confidentiality

4.1. Your privacy is of the utmost importance to Inner Sage Hypnotherapy. Any information that is collected from you as a potential client or client, including contact details is held in the strictest of confidence and will never be shared with external parties without your express permission with the following exceptions: 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4.

4.2. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy may need to contact your GP if it appears that you are suicidal or intend to carry out serious self-harm.

4.3. Inner Sage Hypnotherapy is legally required to report any abuse/injury towards another to the appropriate authorities should you divulge any such information.

4.4. To meet Continuous Professional Development (CPD) requirements, anonymous case histories are sometimes discussed with peer-support groups and supervisors. Please note that no personal details are ever shared.

5. Reviews and testimonials

5.1. If you share comments on Inner Sage Hypnotherapy public social media content, you are granting to us, free of charge permission to use that client content in any ways as part of our services which include advertising and marketing.

5.2. If you provide us with a testimonial, review or similar then by doing so you consent for us to exhibit, copy, publish on any of our social media sites, advertising and marketing, email communications or website your review or part of your review as we reasonable require to lawfully promote our business. You can amend your level of anonymity and consent by emailing us at info@innersagehypnotherapy.co.uk

6. Use of hypnotherapy services

6.1. Whilst we advocate the benefits of hypnotherapy, such services are an alternative or complimentary form of care and not a replacement to any existing medical treatment you are undergoing or may require.

6.2. We do not provide medical consultations or advice relating to medical, psychological, psychiatric or health conditions.

6.3. You agree that should you require information or assistance regarding medical or health related issues concerning but not limited to health, diet, medication, or any other medical conditions that you will seek the advice of a qualified medical practitioner.

6.4. You agree that should you require information or assistance regarding psychological diagnosis, therapy or counselling you will seek the advice of a qualified or licenced professional where such support is required.

7. Complaints

7.1. We want you to be entirely happy with the service received from us. In the event you have any concerns whatsoever you agree to let us know by email to info@innersagehypnotherapy.co.uk and give us a reasonable amount of time to investigate and address your concerns.


Information on Inner Sage Hypnotherapy website, Instagram account and Facebook page isn’t intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness. Individual results may vary and there are no guarantees you will experience the same results as others featured on this site. 

The terms & conditions were updated on 1/12/2023. They may be updated at any time, so please check back regularly to ensure that you're aware of the latest version.