About Us

Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist

Tara Gabriel

Meet Tara: Solution Focused Hypnotherapist and Wellbeing Expert.

Tara is the founder of Inner Sage Hypnotherapy, a safe and non-judgmental space that provides individuals with the opportunity to find inner peace and become calm, confident, and in control.

Having struggled with mental health since early adolescence, Tara understands the negative impact of anxiety, stress, overwhelm and burnout. Solution focused hypnotherapy helped Tara break free from negative patterns and become more resilient, which fuelled her desire to help others find inner peace and move forward.

Tara is a certified hypnotherapist, passionate about utilizing neuroscience, hypnosis, and other valuable tools to help her clients understand themselves and make their subconscious mind work for them, not against them. By helping clients break free from limiting beliefs, Tara supports them in building resilience and adopting positive mindsets, habits, and behaviours that enable them to thrive.

She believes in the power of self-compassion and self-worth and encourages her clients to embrace these values to achieve inner peace. Her mantra is self-compassion and self-worth is key.

Tara lives in West Yorkshire, UK, with her two sons, and enjoys exploring nature and pursuing creative hobbies in her free time.

So, what is Solution Focused Hypnotherapy and how is it different???

Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is a blend of psychotherapy and hypnosis to support you to make positive, significant, long-lasting changes in your life over a relatively short period of time. It focuses on the outcome you want, rather than reliving the issues of the past which have prompted you to seek therapy in the first place. We focus on the present and the future to get you where you want to be whilst helping you to understand what is going on in the mind and how to regain control. The inclusion of trance (hypnosis) as part of each session allows the conscious and subconscious mind to integrate changes much quicker than talking therapy alone. Solution Focused Hypnotherapy is backed by decades of research in neuroscience and the latest hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, CBT, NLP and brief therapy methods and is constantly being updated by the most current neuroscientific research.

So, are you ready to overcome stress, anxiety, low mood and overwhelm? Start your journey and explore your strengths, build resilience for a more positive outlook, and get your mind working for you! You can feel calm, confident, and in control. You can find your inner peace and thrive.

Qualifying as a Solution Focused Clinical Hypnotherapist has been a huge professional achievement. I now continue to expand my knowledge by regular development (CPD) and Supervision. Some of the additional CPD I’ve completed are:

  • Women’s Health

  • Polyvagal Theory: Manage Anxiety, Trauma & Autism

  • Basic Neuroscience of Complex PTSD & Recovery

  • Depression, the Brain & Recovery

My mission is to make a real difference to other people who like me, have felt lost, helpless and alone.

Get in touch for a no pressure chat to discuss how hypnotherapy can help you understand your mind, and give you the tools so you can take back control and thrive.

You can find out what previous clients have had to say about how I’ve helped them here.

I am so grateful to Tara for my hypnotherapy sessions! She is honestly one of the most warming and reassuring people I’ve ever met! She taught me so much about how the brain works and delivered it in such a way that was interesting and engaging. The relaxation/trance was my favourite part of the session as Tara has got the most soothing voice ever, and for the first time I’m such a long time I actually felt relaxed! I still use the recording now and wouldn't be without it! It really helps me sleep, especially on those days when life happens and I feel like I need to take some time for myself. The recording really helps me to get back into a good headspace and feel really relaxed and in control again!

Would 100% recommend Tara and Solution Focused therapy to anyone considering it!

— Kendra S

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.