With mental health and wellbeing in the workplace being a big focus of businesses big and small, we understand the importance of prioritising employee wellbeing.

Work related stress can negatively impact anyone no matter what position they hold, and we know a happy, health workforce is a valuable asset to any company. Did you know that workplace stress contributes to over half of long-term absences and has a significant impact on performance and job satisfaction.

Here's the important statistics*:

  • Report found that burnout, mental ill health, and work-related stress costs the economy £28 billion annually.

  • 51% long term sick leave is due to stress, depression, and anxiety.

  • Workplace intensity and pressure have increased significantly.

  • 55% workers feel work is more intense and demanding.

  • 64% Managers considered resigning for a job better supporting wellbeing.

  • 70% managers cited company policy, heavy workload, unsupportive culture as barriers to staff wellbeing.

  • 7.9% Professionals are experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

Can you really afford not to invest in the wellbeing of your employees?

*Statistics sourced from here by MHFA England

What are the benefits of investing in employee wellbeing?

Prioritising the wellbeing of your employees created many benefits for both the employee and your business. Benefits include:

  • Reduced work-related stress and anxiety.

  • Greater resilience and ability to tackle challenges.

  • Reduced stress related absence

  • Increased employee retention

  • Increased performance and productivity

  • Greater employee engagement, satisfaction, and higher morale

  • Reduced cost associated with absenteeism and presenteeism.

  • Establish a positive mental health culture in the workplace.

It’s crucial to recognise mental illness can impact employee absence and performance. Feeling unsupported in this area can lead to long term absence, poor performance, low job satisfaction and high turnover. These days the stigma around mental health has changed, and we understand mental health doesn’t discriminate and can affect anyone.

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist and wellbeing expert, I take a holistic approach to wellness that is designed to support your employees. Prioritising mental health can promote a happy and productive workforce and create a positive workplace environment.

Corporate Wellbeing Workshop

These engaging and interactive workshops offer the following benefits:

  • Discover how the brain works and how to increase motivation and productivity.

  • Valuable tips for wellbeing – sleep, stress management, reducing anxiety and negative thoughts.

  • Mindfulness and breathing exercises for stress reduction.

  • Learn how to harness the power of visualisation for positive outcomes.

  • Guided therapeutic hypnosis relaxation taster.

  • Free sleep download for all attendees and PDF resources.

Workshops last for approx. 50 minutes + 10 minute Q&A and are packed with valuable knowledge, relatable insights, interactive activities, and helpful techniques.

Package 1 – One workshop + Q&A session

Package 2 – Two workshops + Q&A sessions

Additional Services~ – Mini 1:1 or small group 20 minute relaxation sessions (Min 2 hrs, Maximum 4hrs)

~Additional service only available with Package 1 or 2. If company size requires more than two workshop times to be delivered in one day, please contact to discuss availability.

Employee Hypnotherapy Sessions

Delivered in person^ or online, our hypnotherapy packages accommodate employees from various locations in Bradford and surrounding areas.

Hypnotherapy has proven to be an incredibly effective tool for positive change in various areas of life. By utilising our hypnotherapy sessions, your employees can effectively manage stress and anxiety, improve focus, overcome sleep problems that affect mental and physical wellbeing as well as productivity. Hypnotherapy can also support your employees to reduce/ cope better with chronic pain/ illnesses, and address fears and phobias.

By arming your employees with research backed neuroscience and practical techniques, you can have an empowered workforce who feel calm, confident and in control, so your employees and business can thrive.

Package 1 – Initial Consultation & 7 Sessions (8 weeks)

Package 2 – Initial Consultation & 11 Sessions (12 weeks)

^Face to face sessions available at Wellbeing Centres, Bradford Road, Cleckheaton.

Contact us today to enquire about booking your corporate well-being package or discuss our employee hypnotherapy packages. Prices start at £150, depending on service required and company size. 

Book a free corporate wellness workshop consultation here.

Sessions are available in Bradford and surrounding areas (Kirklees, Calderdale and Leeds).
Travel outside these areas is subject to additional fee.

Please email if you would prefer to discuss an online workshop or have any other specific requests not outlined above.

Enquire now to support your employees with wellbeing in the workplace and encourage a positive workplace that has happy, productive, dedicated workforce.