What, how and why of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy

person writing a positive aspiration on a notepad

Hypnotherapy can help you find your inner peace and feel calm, confident and in control.

So, what is solution focused hypnotherapy?

It’s a blend of psychotherapy, brain education and hypnosis and uses elements of NLP (neuro linguistic programming), CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy), SFBT (solution focused brief therapy).

The psychotherapy element uses techniques based on the latest brain research and neuroscience. The hypnosis element helps bring about relaxed, calm feelings to reduce anxiety. The combination of the two elements helps you make positive, significant, long-lasting changes in your life over a relatively short period of time.

But how does it work?

Short answer – by helping you operate less from the emotional, reactive, survival part of your brain and more from the intellectual, responsive, logical part so you can feel calm, confident and in control.

Solution focused hypnotherapy helps bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious mind to change unhelpful thoughts, habits and learned behaviours. It focuses on the outcome you want, rather than reliving the issues of the past which have prompted you to seek therapy in the first place. We focus on the present and the future to get you where you want to be whilst helping you to understand what is going on in the mind and how to regain control. You learn valuable information about the brain, how it works, what’s happening when we feel stressed, depressed, anxious, angry, and you learn other relevant information about the impact of negative thinking and the importance of sleep. Most importantly we look at what we can do to help, to become unstuck and change our lives for the better.

Each session use scaling between 1-10 to determine where you are that day, then we create a detailed picture of one small thing you could do to move up the scale just one step. Whether you actually do what you pictured it isn’t the main point, imagining what you could so is incredibly powerful because the subconscious mind can’t tell the difference between imagination and reality. When we move onto the final part of the session the relaxing part everyone loves - the inclusion of trance (hypnosis) allows the conscious and subconscious mind to use the detail from the imagined picture and the positive suggestions spoken to integrate changes much quicker than talking therapy alone.

You also get a MP3 which is recommended to listen to as you go to sleep – people who do this feel the positive benefit of hypnotherapy sooner.

Why should you try it?

If you struggle with anxiety, low mood, anger, low confidence, overwhelm, stress etc, and want to be more resilient, feel more content and at peace so you aren’t so affected by events going on around you, then solution focused hypnotherapy is for you. I’ll support, encourage, and guide you as you make necessary changes to reach your goals. If you don’t want to keep going over the past, this is great, since we focus on what you want and the steps to get there. I will support you in finding your own solutions to your problems, so you can reach your goals whatever that looks like for you.


Beating ‘Blue Monday’ with the power of your mind.